Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change has come to America

     Finally a big change in the States.
     I was hopping Obama will win the elections but I was skeptical. It will be an enormous change not just for America but for the whole world. In the first place, Obama will be the first black president in the history of the USA. Seen only in movies until now... :D
     It's very interesting if we consider that black people were slaves in the past and of them has become President of USA. This is democracy.

     Will this change end the war in Iraq? Obama promised that he will retreat the American troops from Iraq in 16 months. 
     War against the terrorism will continue anyway: that's a good thing. I not agree with war but the terrorism must be stopped. (of course, not applying Bush’ tactics...)
     Also Obama will close the famous and controversial prison from Guantanamo Bay until the end of 2009; anyway I am curious about the changes from America. Will this bring peace on Earth?! (even if we are in no "official" war there is a physiologic one against terror) Let's hope. Because even if some deny that America rules the world...he really does. 70% of what is happening on Earth is controlled the USA.
