A while ago I had a Nokia 6288 phone with a 2mp camera, you probably know the model. It's very nice, classic, a business phone. Everything was great...until I made my first "night picture". A total disaster. And I mean it.
First I thought I am stupid and I did not press the right button, but doing the second picture and seeing the result...ups..."houston...we have a problem". And a big problem it was. All my pictures were with green/blue lines on them. Very sad. And for a phone which costs this much (300 euro) I think it is not normal. Of course, being a new phone, it had warranty so I took it back. They send it to a firm which represents Nokia in Romania and when after 2 weeks it came back...I had THE SAME PROBLEM!!!!!!! I sad "what the..." and the answer came instantly: "all Nokia phones with a camera of 2Mp have this problem. We have nothing to do. Sorry." Well, I'll be damned. Why didn't I know this before I bought the phone.
I looked up the Internet to find info about this and it seems that it's true. It's stange but it is true. For instance, a friend of mine has a Nokia N73 with a 3,15 Mp camera....his pictures were great...until 5-6 months passed away and then it started to have problems. Problems like mine. The pictures have blue lines on them and the quality has dropped down. Probably the camera of Nokia phones with 3,15 mp last longer at the beginning :P
Do you have a Nokia phone with a 2Mp camera?! Did you notice this kind of problem with it?
Hey, it's a phone...what do you expect?If you want good day/night pictures, go and buy yoursefl a professional analog/digital camera.I would recomand Olympus.They're great!
buy a Sony Ericsson "k" series (k800, k810, k850,etc..) . I don't know how do u expect something good from a nokia???
i saw some SE phones doing some great photos...so...that's right, SE are better @ pics!
Alright, I agree with Matt here: it's only a phone but how about this:
I bought a Nokia 6500 slide just to discover that the signal sensitivity it's so shitty I cannot use it where I live. Now I am back with my old SonyEriccson K800i which works perfectly at the same spot. Dealer said, brinhg it back to us and we'll send it to be serviced. I did that and came back just as it was. Explanation? Same classic crap: "All Nokia 6500 have this issue... bla... bla". Fuck, why didn't you tell me this when I bought it?!
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